March 2021

Start-up number 4 this year at Steirerpack

dr.corr Warehouse

dr.corr was chosen by Steirerpack in Möderbrugg, Austria, for optimized production scheduling and control.


Under the supervision and guidance of Stojan Olstrak, our team of specialists Steffen Beeth and Giulio Fantini linked our system to the company’s ERP, connected dr.corr to the Agnati corrugator, and in just a few days, the plant was up and running under the control of dr.corr.


We trust that the plant’s owners, Mag. Wolfgang Habenberger and Franz Grafendorfer, will soon notice improvements in on-time deliveries, reduction of side trim, and improvement of productivity in all areas of their plant.


👍 A corrugator scheduled by dr.corr is a happy corrugator!


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